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🌸 احتفل بعيد الأم مع عرض كاش باك حصري من البنك العربي! 💝
🌸 احتفل بعيد الأم مع عرض كاش باك حصري من البنك العربي! 💝
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What do you do when the house key is broken in the lock?

What do you do when the house key is broken in the lock?

We often face the problem of the key breaking inside the door (gal) and we are unable to open it even with the replacement key. The matter takes us to violence until this leads to it breaking inside the lock or door, which represents a big problem for us in removing it and we may need specialists to remove it or change the entire lock. All of this takes a lot of time, effort, and money as well. Today we will present more than one solution or method to end this problem without breaking the door, and rank them from the easiest and least harmful, to the most difficult and most damaging:

  1. First, try to use tweezers or scissors with pointed edges, and try to pull out the broken part.
  2. Try to use a very strong magnet, and pull the end of the key. The magnet will certainly not be able to pull it out completely, but try to take out part of it and then pull it out with pliers or a cutter.
  3. Quick glue can be used to glue the broken piece to the piece inside the door, but be careful when applying the glue to be precise so that it does not damage the lock.
  4. Take a 2 mm drill and an iron drill bit and drill the key from the middle to a depth of about 1 cm. After you finish, wrap a thin piece of wire or a pin and put Super Glue on it, leave it for five minutes, and then pull it out.
  5. Bring a drill and an iron drill bit measuring 4-6 mm, and start drilling in the middle of the lock (under the key). Try to be precise, taking full caution, and start drilling until you reach the middle of it, but be certain that this will lead to the destruction of the lock. You will need to change it (you will change the lock, not the entire canon/gal).
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