7 ways to get rid of wood paint smells in the room easily. The strong smell disappears in an instant!
The smell of paint often interferes with rest, even causing dizziness. There are many ways to get rid of the smell of wood paint easily .
There is time to maintain the quality and appearance, you have to repaint wooden furniture.
For example, wooden chairs , living room table, cabinets and beds are made of teak.
Wood stain is also often used to "dress" window door frames, so that they do not fade with age.
In general, people will choose the type of wood stain made from wood , acrylic, melamine, polyurethane, along with nitro-cellulose .
However, when the painting process is finished, it often leaves a trace of wood paint smell in the room.
This then raises many annoying questions: How long does it take for the paint smell to go away?
It is not rare that you wonder in your mind, is the smell of wood paint dangerous?
How to get rid of the smell of wood paint in the room
1. Ground coffee
The first tip, you can use ground coffee placed in several corners of the room.
This step can not only be used as a way to get rid of the pungent smell of chemical liquids.
However, giving coffee to the room is also one way to make a natural air freshener.
2. Get rid of the smell with a fan
The next way to get rid of the smell of wood paint, you can use a fan to circulate fresh air.
Direct the fan outward to reduce the smell of wood stain while speeding up the drying process.
3. Use onions
Another easy step is to use onions that are cut into slices and mixed with a little water.
Then place it in the corners of the room for best results.
Onions have the ability to absorb unpleasant odors, so they are suitable when used as a way to get rid of the smell of oil in the house.
4. Remove odor with charcoal
Charcoal can also be used in practice to get rid of the smell of wood paint in the house, and of course the room no longer smells.
This substance, also known as charcoal, is known for its ability to absorb unpleasant odors.
Well, you can also use charcoal as a way to get rid of the paint smell from your iron at home.
5. Open doors and windows
Another easy way to get rid of the smell of paint is to open the doors and windows, so that fresh air can enter easily.
With this easy step, the smell of wood paint can evaporate and flow out of the room.
6. A mixture of perfume solution and salt water
An aromatic solution mixed with water, it turns out you can use it as an easy way to get rid of the smell of wood paint.
You can simply dissolve the salt in a bowl filled with water and then add a little perfume.
Next, store the deodorant and salt water mixture in a room with a strong smell of wood paint.
7. Water and lemon juice
Lemon juice has a pungent, fresh smell. Well, you can use this citrus fruit to get rid of the smell of paint.
The trick is, cut thin slices of fresh lemon, then place them in a bowl of water.
Well, these are some of the ways to get rid of wood paint smell, which you can do yourself at home. It's easy, isn't it?
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