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عروض رمضان! استخدم كود RAM5 لأي طلب فوق 40 دينار واحصل على خصم 5 دنانير!
استخدم كود RAM5 واحصل على خصم 5 دنانير!
طرق-مبتكرة-لتقليل-استهلاك-المكيف جعفر شوب

Innovative ways to reduce air conditioner consumption

Is your home's electricity bill high? Your consumption is high and you have the option to stop using the air conditioner and enjoy a nice atmosphere? to stop! Now, Jaafar Shop will present to you a set of methods that will help you reduce your air conditioner consumption while maintaining pleasant and enjoyable times.

  1. Does your air conditioner have a fan? Great, get it rolling.

To save energy, set the air conditioner fan to high speed (except on very humid days), while on hot days, set the fan to low speed, as the slow passage of air through the air conditioner removes moisture from the air, giving you a more comfortable home.

Shop all types of air conditioners
  1. Stop setting the air conditioner to extremely cold temperatures when running it.

Set the "desired" temperature when running the air conditioner instead of blasting every room at 18°C ​​(which puts serious strain on the AC unit and consumes more power), but also follow tip #3...

3. Keep the filters clean

The air conditioner filter must be cleaned periodically or replaced annually to improve efficiency. You may be surprised at how easy this task is. In some air conditioners, all you have to do is run water through it and then let it air dry.

4. Stop setting the air conditioner to a temperature of 18 degrees Celsius or less

The slight difference between outside and inside temperatures keeps you cool and lowers your bill. So start by setting your air conditioner to 22 degrees Celsius or higher – it will give you the same comfort as 18 degrees, and you will save a lot of energy consumption.

5. Close the doors of unused rooms and close the curtains.

Closing the curtains makes a big difference, in addition to closing the doors of unused rooms.

6. Use the fan and air conditioner at the same time

Fans do not consume much energy compared to air conditioners, so run the fan and air conditioner at the same time to combat the hot weather.

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