12 tools every man should have in his gear box
Your wife or mother will ask you to install the ceiling fan . Your daughter will need her bike repaired. You definitely have the tools to handle these tasks, right?
Owning a well-equipped toolbox has become the exclusive preserve of the fathers of men of our modern generation, and if they have to fix a malfunction, they will quickly look for someone else to take over their manual tasks for them.
A man must rely on himself, and this requires him to have the appropriate tools and skill necessary to address simple problems that he may face during his daily life at home.
If you are one of those young people who have not yet had the opportunity to build their own tool box, here you will find 12 essential tools that should be in your box.
Before you make your purchase
Here are a few things to remember before you head off shopping at the hardware store:
Buy each item separately. Don't forget that Rome was not built in a day and the same goes for large tool boxes . You don't need to buy a whole bunch of tools on the same day (unless you definitely have enough money to do so).
Spread out your purchase so you don't bankrupt your bank account.
Demand that you get tools instead of money. Take advantage of occasions and holidays, such as Father's Day, for example, or your birthday, to ask your loved ones for the tools that you would like to acquire for your collection.
Claw hammer ( hammer with pliers) Hammer removed
Three-head screwdriver (hardened)
Installation pliers
Water balance
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