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عروض اخر الصيف، استخدم الكود MB5 واحصل على خصم اضافي 🚚💰
عروض اخر الصيف، استخدم الكود MB5 واحصل على خصم اضافي 🚚💰
أكثر-10-طرق-فاعلية-للتخلص-من-النمل-حتى-لا-يعودوا-مرة-أخرى جعفر شوب

The 10 most effective ways to get rid of ants so they don't come back again

Are you tired of stubborn ants? Here are 10 ways to get rid of ants with natural ingredients, and we guarantee that they will not appear again!

One of the insects that one does not want to have in the house is the ant.

Although they do not carry diseases like rats, cockroaches, lizards, or flies, the presence of ants can still be annoying.

The reason is that ants often approach sweet food sources.

In addition, ants often come in such large numbers that the food on the table is contaminated.

Of course hell ants tend to behave differently than flies which are usually found in dirty and dirty places.

This is just because it cannot be certain whether the ants have passed through a dirty place or not.

Therefore, you should not eat food that has a lot of ants around it.

10 ways to get rid of ants permanently with natural ingredients at home

In order not to interfere with your activities, you may be wondering what is the most suitable way to get rid of ants.

No need for chemicals that you need to buy again outside, just use the materials you have at home.

1. Chalk

Lime contains calcium carbonate which can keep ants away.

Draw a line with chalk in an area frequented by ants, so they won't dare cross the line.

2. Lemon

Ants do not like the sour smell of lemon.

So you can use this method to get rid of ants.

Place lemon juice in a spray bottle and spray lemon juice into the gaps in doors and windows.

You can also spray it on the side where ants are common.

You can also drip lemon juice into the hole or crevice where the ants enter.

3. Orange

Just like lemons, ants do not like the sour smell of citrus fruits.

You can squeeze lemon juice and sprinkle it on a specific area, or place orange peel in a place that often becomes an ant nest.

4. Vaseline gel

Have you heard about Vaseline Jelly? Yes, this thing is actually popular as a skin care product.

But who would have thought that Vaseline is also effective as an ant repellent?

The smell and sticky texture of the gel make ants not dare to approach.

You can apply Vaseline on the places where ants frequent.

For example, cat food bowls, table legs, cabinet legs, and other places.

5. Pepper

Ants really hate pepper or pepper because of its spicy smell.

Sprinkle pepper on the area from which ants enter the house. This will help get rid of ants.

Even ants will not dare to enter your home again when they smell pepper.

6. Flour

Flour can also be used as an ingredient to repel ants.

Sprinkle flour in the paths that ants often pass by.

They will find it difficult to penetrate the rows of flour that have been planted and will choose to leave.

5. Salt

Using salt to get rid of ants from the house is the cheapest way to do so.

Mix salt with hot water, then spray the solution in the corners of the house.

Guaranteed, ants will not dare to be in the sprayed area.

8. White vinegar

Basically, ants hate sour odors from orange, lemon or vinegar.

Put a mixture of white vinegar and water in a bottle and shake it.

Just spray a little and the ants will flee.

7. Cinnamon

Don't want to make your home smell sour just to repel ants?

You can use cinnamon and cloves, and in addition to scenting the room, they can also be used to repel ants.

Cinnamon is believed to act as a natural repellent because ants cannot tolerate strong odors.

10. Betel leaves

Betel leaves are known as traditional medicine that can treat various diseases.

But apart from that, betel leaves are also effective in repelling ants.

How to use it is very easy.

Just place a few betel leaves in a place frequented by ants, and the ants will avoid those spots.

These are 10 ways to get rid of ants that have been proven effective.

Using the above methods, there is no need to get rid of ants by harming them.

Hope it was useful!

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