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🚚✨ عروض اخر السنة، استخدم كود EY5 لاي طلب فوق الـ30 دينار واحصل على خصم 5 دنانير! 🎉
🚚✨ عروض اخر السنة، استخدم كود EY5 لاي طلب فوق الـ30 دينار واحصل على خصم 5 دنانير! 🎉
مضخات الضغط العالي

High pressure pumps

High pressure pumps are one of the types of water pumps. They have their own features that make them a good choice many times. They work through an electric motor connected to reciprocating pistons.

This type of pump is distinguished by its working method that helps in cleaning in an excellent way while saving significant amounts of water, as some types of pumps reach a saving of 80% of the quantities consumed, by compressing water granules and accelerating their exit from the pump to hit the surface to be cleaned.

This type of pump has multiple uses, the most important of which is washing cars, but it is also used to wash house facades and windows, in addition to tall trees, floors surrounding the house, and sidewalks.

Remember that you are saving a lot of water with a very excellent result, but you must always choose the pump that suits the expected work volume. For example, if you want to use it at high altitudes, be sure to choose a high pressure, and if you want to get a long-lasting pump that can withstand working pressure, then consider purchasing A pump that runs on a motor, which is better than a pump that runs on a Bobbin engine.

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احمد عبيدات - July 8, 2017

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