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🌸 احتفل بعيد الأم مع عرض كاش باك حصري من البنك العربي! 💝
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How do I check and treat air conditioner malfunctions and problems?

Air conditioner malfunctions

The air conditioning unit stopping working may be a minor malfunction, but this malfunction can also be major; You can avoid some problems with regular cleaning, and it is also important to have a technical eye on problems that you cannot solve on your own. There are a variety of reasons that lead to your air conditioner stopping working; So let's take a look at the most common ones.

Common air conditioner problems

There are several reasons why your air conditioner may stop working, including one or more of the following:

      • Problem connecting the unit.
      • Clogged filters and coils.
      • Thermostat is out of place.
      • Fusion of breakers and fuses.
      • Ice accumulation.
      • Error in settings.

Connect the unit

Although this may be an obvious problem, sometimes the plug may be partially or completely removed, meaning the plug is not connected to the wall unit. It may also be a hidden problem, meaning there may be faulty wires in the plug. First check if the plug is Connected, then make sure that the air conditioner plug wires are intact.

Clogged filters and coils

Lack of maintenance is one of the main common reasons for air conditioner breakdown, which can cause compressor or fans to malfunction.

It is important to clean the filters periodically to keep the air conditioner running. Washable filters must be cleaned every 3 to 6 months if you find them covered with a lot of dust and dirt, especially before the winter and summer seasons, so that your air conditioner works very efficiently.

Air conditioner repair


Room air conditioners are designed with a thermostat sensor, located behind the control panel, which measures the unit's air temperature.

If your air conditioner is not blowing out any cold air; Check the temperature status on your console, if it is set to "On", make sure your thermostat is also set to "Cooling" (read the manual for more information), sometimes you may need to lower the temperature of your console. It is also possible that the sensor is out of place, so you must call a technician to adjust it to its correct location.

Fusion of breakers and fuses

Check if the problem is with the fuse or circuit breaker, then make sure it is turned on and working properly.

It is common in older homes for circuits to become overloaded if the air conditioner is in the same circuit with other appliances such as refrigerators, microwaves, or irons.

Fusion of breakers and fuses

Ice buildup on the air conditioner

This usually happens if the fan blower belt is damaged. Ice builds up inside the unit, causing the air conditioner to reduce its ability to cool. To check if this is the problem, turn off the unit and lift the cover to see if there is any ice buildup on or behind the filter.

Error in settings

Setting the right temperature is key, so if your air conditioner is blowing air that isn't cold, make sure the controller is set to the "cooling" mode, which is usually indicated by an ice or "cold" symbol.

If it's already in this mode, make sure the temperature is low enough for the unit to know it needs cooling. You can test this by lowering the temperature to 16°C on a hot day to check that the air coming out feels cool, before switching it to an optimal level such as 24 Celsius.

Air conditioning settings

This also applies to heating; If you use the air conditioner to heat the house in the winter but it blows cold air, check the position of the control unit. As a reminder, the main settings are:

  • Ice = cooling
  • Sun = heating

It is normal for your unit to blow cold air during the heating cycle. This is caused by the defrost cycle, which switches to “cooling” mode to allow the outdoor unit to heat up and defrost. However, the controller settings may be preventing the fan from shutting off. Some controllers allow you to adjust the motor The fan is on continuous operation, which means the fan will run regardless of the settings, defrost cycle, or temperature.

If you cannot fix the malfunction, please review the manual or consult a maintenance technician.

Air compressor problem

Controls can keep your compressor and fan overtime, especially if your unit is constantly turning on and off. It's also common for a compressor to stop working due to a faulty or broken condenser. Your air conditioner cannot operate without a healthy compressor, so you may need to Replace it.

Signs that indicate a defect in the air conditioner that must be repaired

the noise

In some cases, you may hear sounds from the air conditioner, either because of dirty air filters, which makes it difficult to treat the air in the air conditioner during operation, or because the grille is not installed correctly, which leads to a whistling sound when the fan is running, so you must keep the filters clean. And centered on the net to prevent any gaps in the air.

It is important to choose the right size for your unit when replacing the grille; Because air grilles of small size can weaken the operation of the current, causing sounds to come out, and if the noise turns into a grinding or grinding noise, it is recommended that you turn off the unit immediately, as the reason may be a malfunction in the fan motor, which requires calling a technician. To fix it.

Air conditioner sound

Smoke or steam

It is important to turn off the unit if there is steam coming out with a burnt plastic or rubber smell!

It's also common for your outdoor unit to have steam coming out when it's set to heat, during the winter, due to the defrost cycle that melts frozen condensation into the air to ensure it doesn't turn into an ice box blocking airflow over the heating coil.

Water from the outdoor unit

A refrigerated air conditioner is designed to remove moisture from the air during heating and cooling cycles. In a convection setting, there is water on the ground near your outdoor unit unless it is drained to the garden or down a pipe. In a refrigerated setting, moisture is drawn from the indoor air and thus Water is drained from the roof area into the drains.

The external unit of the air conditioner

Reset the unit

If there is a power failure, temperature error, or no cold air coming out, you may want to try turning off the power at the valve box. If you restart it and the problem persists; Record the malfunction displayed on the control unit if it exists, and then provide this information to a specialist.

Is it time to change your air conditioner?

Change the air conditioner

If a technician inspects your air conditioner and cannot fix the problem, it may be time to purchase a replacement.

In general, air conditioning units last about nine to ten years. Air conditioners are usually energy intensive, so it is worth investing in a new model. New units with energy saving ratings help reduce operating costs and may also provide you with some additional features for your convenience. .

At Jaafar Shop, we have a distinctive and diverse collection of air conditioners . Browse air conditioners

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