How do you insulate roofs? — جعفر شوب
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كيف-تقوم-بعزل-الأسطح جعفر شوب

How do you insulate roofs?

• What is roof insulation?
Roof insulation is a way to prevent the flow of heat, and - contrary to popular belief - it is not only important in the winter. It keeps the house cool in the summer and makes the house warm in the winter. Insulation also reduces toxic emissions and reduces our energy consumption.
Insulation lasts for a very long time and is therefore one of the important things to maintain the condition of your home. Insulation is also based on three axes: radiation, conduction, and convection. Conduction is simple and clear from its name, it is the transfer of heat from one place to another through materials. Convection is based on the fact that warm air rises upward while cold air remains at the bottom as it travels through liquids and gases. Finally, radiation is the transfer of heat through solid materials to warm them.
Insulating materials is based on reducing heat emission by reducing the absorption of thermal radiation. In summer, heating is replaced by cold, while in winter, the opposite is done.
• How are surfaces insulated?
When you insulate your home, you prevent one of the most common phenomena, which is the burning of ceilings as a result of the harsh lighting that penetrates the ceiling. As for how, there are many options for roof insulation. The method of insulation will be determined according to the extent of the house’s need for it and the areas to be isolated.
There are some types of insulation that can be installed by homeowners, such as blankets and liquid foam, while there are other methods and types of insulation that require professionals and specialists working in the field of roof insulation. Complete insulation is the most common and consists of elastic fibres, natural fibres, plastic fibres, and other materials.
The tiles are placed on top of the roof but with wooden spacers added underneath. Metal roofs require a barrier underneath to prevent radiant heat. The metal roof is installed over the parapet.
Floors can be insulated before final finishing by placing insulation boards.
• What are the most popular insulating materials?
1. Cellulose:
Cellulose is a material made from recycled paper, such as newspaper. About 85% of recycled paper is cellulose.
Cellulose is manufactured by breaking up paper into very small pieces that are converted into fibers that are placed in specific places such as wall cavities and ceilings. Cellulose blocks air flow and cellulose often contains ammonium sulfate, which is known to resist fires.
Cellulose is the cheapest insulation material.
2. Polyurethane:
Polyurethane is a foam material whose pores and cells consist of gas with low conductivity. This foam exists in two forms, either closed cells or open cells. The high-density cells are sealed and filled with gas, which expands the foam by filling the pores and voids around the gas. As for open cells, they are not filled with air and have a low density, which gives the insulation material a spongy texture.
Open cells often become blown away and replaced by air as their density and quality decrease over time.
3. Urea formaldehyde foam:
This foam is considered one of the first insulation materials to be used in homes, but after a while its use was banned due to the release of some toxic substances from formaldehyde.
4. Vermiculite and perlite:
In the 1950s, vermiculite and perlite were discovered and used as insulating materials in homes. Now they are not widely used because they contain asbestos.
Insulation is often done on the inside or outside of ceilings, exterior walls or floors. To get the best possible insulation method, it is best to consult a specialist in installing insulation materials.
This guide is provided by Jaafar Shop, where you can browse all insulation materials from here .
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