Facts and tips about electrical fires — جعفر شوب
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حقائق-و-نصائح-عن-الحرائق-الكهربائية جعفر شوب

Facts and tips about electrical fires

Electrical fires are one of the most important causes of fires in homes, and are responsible for property damage worth $ 1.5 billion, injuries and loss of life throughout the world. Because your safety is important to us, today we at Jaar Shop provide you with a set of facts and advice that you should research. And make sure of it to protect your family and your home and their safety.

1- Are household electrical appliances to blame?

Many people believe that electrical appliances cause fires, but the finger of blame does not always point to the coffee machine or dryer. Improper installation of appliances such as ceiling fans, electrical switches, and recessed lighting units may also start fires, as faulty extension cords or electrical malfunctions constitute three-quarters of the causes of electrical fires. .

2- What about crowded electrical circuits?

Overcrowding of electrical circuits in old homes can pose a real danger. As the number of technical devices we use in our homes increases (such as computers, televisions, microwaves, DVD players, etc.), the use of electricity increases, and the risk of overheating of the installations increases, and thus the possibility increases. A fire breaks out.

3- Can extension cords and connections cause an electrical fire?

Extension cords can easily be misused and can cause many fires. Therefore, we advise you to connect electrical appliances directly to the plug and not to an extension cord or extension. We also provide you with a set of high-quality electrical connectors. If you need to use extensions, choose the safest connectors.

Safe electrical connections and extension cords

4- Can electrical wires melt and cause an electrical fire?

Yes, careful inspection of the location of electrical fires will often reveal melted wire segments, and the primary cause of this may be anything from excessive heat to unwanted electrical arcing. When you notice any exposed or melted electrical wires, you must immediately replace them or use insulating tape, which we provide to you at Jaafar Shop at great prices.

Electrical fires are extremely dangerous. If you see smoke coming out of your walls, it is most likely a fire resulting from a defective wiring. Water in this case does not extinguish the fire. Rather, it is very dangerous and may cause an electric shock. Cutting off the electricity from the house will not stop the fire either, so Keep an “ABC” fire extinguisher handy at all times.

المقالة السابقة What are the most common electrical faults in homes?

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