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عروض الصيف بلشت، استخدم الكود JS5 واحصل على خصم اضافي 🚚💰
عروض الصيف بلشت، استخدم الكود JS5 واحصل على خصم اضافي 🚚💰
تعرف-على-7-نصائح-حتى-تتمكن-من-ري-حديقتك-بطريقة-صحيحة جعفر شوب

Learn 7 tips so you can water your garden correctly

Autumn is considered one of the least demanding seasons of the year for irrigation, and this was before climate change, but in these times we cannot guarantee that it will maintain the grass, aromatic plants, flowers, and crops that we worked so hard to preserve during the dry summer months.

It is very important to know how often to water tomatoes or how to install an irrigation system, but also learn how to save water or how to water the garden so that all crops get the water they need to grow strong and healthy. So today in the blog we will show you some keys and methods to irrigate your urban garden and enjoy the results of your investment and effort without having to wait for the rain, which you do not know when it will come.

  How to water the garden

The main key that distinguishes a beautiful and healthy garden from a withered and diseased garden is knowing how to water the garden correctly because everything depends on irrigation such as: the height of the plants, their health condition, the production of fruits and vegetables, and the presence or absence of some pests and diseases.

Learning to water well is very difficult. It is not about having a good artesian well or a great irrigation system installed, although that helps in irrigation, but you can learn to water better with a little practice and the basic tips that we will show you in this article. .

Tip 1: You must determine the amount of water needed to irrigate your garden and not irrigate it randomly.

The first main tip that many people forget when touching the water hose is that too little watering may mean that the plants and flowers in your orchard or garden dry up, wither and die due to what is called “water stress”, drowning the crop or not directing the excess water properly. This can lead to Damage to plant roots, their rot, favor the presence and spread of fungi and other pests, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to irrigate the garden with a moderate amount of water so as not to damage the plants and crops. If you continue this matter, this will result in getting rid of many problems.

Second tip 2: You must know the correct time for irrigation

Do you know how often you need to water tomatoes, roses or aromatic plants?

The answer: It depends on the season of the year you find yourself in, the quality of the soil, and the amount of nutrients the compost contains. We will present to you, two of the simplest tricks to know if it is time for watering.

- In the summer, you will have to water at least once a day (or twice if you live in very hot places). In spring, fall and winter, you are supposed to water a few times a week, but this is not always the case and the plant may need to be watered more often. .

- Finger test. It is not the cotton test, but it is similar to it: touch the surface of the soil with your fingers, if when you lift them there are not some soil grains, then the soil is very dry and needs some water..

Third Tip 3: You should plan your planting according to your irrigation needs

Some novice gardeners make the mistake of not planning their crops well and placing tomatoes, onions, peas or herbs in the first free space they can find.

As we have already told you on other occasions, planning your garden or even potted crops before planting is essential to enjoy a good harvest or simply to see beautiful ornamental plants grow. But in addition to this, crop distribution is also important to the topic of our article today: irrigation.

There are plants that need more water, others need less... We must distribute the species on our land according to their irrigation needs, and this matter is very simple.

Some of the plants that need moderate or moderate irrigation:





Some of the plants that need a lot of watering:






Some of the plants that need a little watering:







  Tip 4: Drip irrigation

Drip irrigation is one of the most important systems to keep your urban garden well hydrated and not wasting water. You can find on the market different professional systems that will ensure that your crops receive the right amount of water without worrying more than checking the condition of the pipes from time to time, reprogramming and regulating the pressure depending on the season of the year, etc.


Tip 5: Irrigate the land

There are people who do not like to use drip irrigation systems, but they prefer to use a hose or watering can for life and enjoy a pleasant time breathing in the wonderful scent of fresh soil. This experience is priceless, especially in the twilight of summer evenings when your urban garden is illuminated by that special amber light, isn't it? But let's move on to the other piece of advice: If you decide to water in the traditional way, try not to wet the aerial parts of the plants too much. Excess moisture in flowers and stems can lead to the appearance of fungi and other pests. Try to water the soil at ground level and carefully control that the water pressure does not pull out the clumps or damage the roots of smaller plants.

 Tip 6: You should check the water quality

Another mistake new urban gardeners make is not checking the quality of the water with which they irrigate their crops. As you know, there is clean water and unclean water, with more or less chlorine, with more or less mineral salts... If you are lucky enough to extract irrigation water from an artesian well in your home in the garden, you should invest something of the budget in Water composition analysis. If you use water from the public network, simply call your town and ask. Either way it will be worth the investment of time and money.

Tip 7: Practice mulching

Mulching is an ancient technique that has come back into fashion in recent years and consists of filling crops with materials that retain moisture and help enrich the soil. On the market you will find different materials manufactured specifically for mulching , but hedge clippings, the remains of branches and trunks from pruning works, freshly cut healthy grass, some cardboard or paper, wood from fruit boxes, dried compost, etc.

If you want to read articles similar to this article, learn 7 tips so you can water your garden correctly.

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