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استمتع بالتوصيل المجاني على أي طلب يزيد عن ٢٠ دينار. 🚚💰
استمتع بالتوصيل المجاني على أي طلب يزيد عن ٢٠ دينار. 🚚💰
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Learn the 7 most important tricks to maintain your garden

Agriculture lovers, especially new farmers, always have questions that come to their minds, such as: What can I grow in the garden? Or how do I grow vegetables at home? How do plants grow at home? What do I do to build a garden at home? Or how do I grow vegetables at home? Preparing the soil for the home vegetable garden.

All of these questions are very important, and the essential thing for the success of your garden is to know some basics about maintaining and caring for the garden.

Contrary to what we expect, garden care is not that complicated and it is easy to get the most out of the garden. What you need is to learn some important terms about land, irrigation, and pests... some of the basics that we present to you in the form of 7 tricks and we will show them to you in this article.

The soil in which you will plant.

When you don't know anything about agriculture; You should

Know the properties that must be present in the soil

You will grow tomatoes, lettuce, or aromatic plants in it

Flowers in different colors so you can get

Its original color and beautiful smell, and it must not be dry

Texture, it should be smooth, and it should

It contains water but is not saturated with it. if it was

The land you own has these characteristics

And the specifications make it good for agriculture and you can too

Adding organic fertilizer (here is a leaflet containing it

Many tips for producing local organic fertilizer

Manufacture), and you can also buy commercial organic land if

Your land does not have the characteristics mentioned previously

..etc. When she wanted you to work a machine in your soil

You must have the automatic tiller that we provide to you in

Our online store.

Soil irrigation.

Away from the efficiency of the soil in your garden and away from the price

Seeds and bulbs you bought, if you don't care

Especially for watering your garden; Your plants will grow weak and few

You should know that you should water your garden two to three times

Times a week during the winter and fall seasons, however

During the spring and summer seasons, you must water it daily.

The water must also be good, preferably not polluted

To come to an artesian well.


Those who are about to grow want to grow any herbs that they do not want

They plant it themselves, and something goes wrong when it's prepared

Your land is for agriculture and you find its weeds are harmful, and you must

You should plant it in a small corner so that it does not disturb you.

It may become useful to you in the future.

What harmful plants should you take care of?

Special care? There are many plants, including (plant

Nettle, clover, sorrel and wild chamomile


Crops that are planted.

When preparing and preparing the garden soil for planting, this applies

The question in mind is: What can we plant? And we offer

One piece of advice for you is to plant the vegetables you like

There is nothing better for you than to go out and remove these plants

From your own garden, such as: lettuce and green beans

And tomatoes.

Pests and insects that you will find on your agricultural land.

There is a very big problem that agricultural experts can address

Or those coming to agriculture, which is a pest problem and will be presented

There are four tips for you to avoid the resulting damage:

  • Use Salvadoran crops periodically, whether in...

Whether pests are detected or not.

  • You have to use a device to remove excess water from the soil

It is a wet vacuum cleaner device

This land is preferable for fungi to reproduce.

  • You have to constantly explore the crops and grow

By cutting the damaged parts of the plant and you can use

Electric pruning shears, you should wash and disinfect

Dry the plants before storing them.

  • You have to plant weeds and plants that kill

Insects, for example: Onions and garlic give off odor

It is not liked by insects and pests at all, nor by plants

Also suitable for repelling pests: mint and lavender

And coriander.

Daily soil care.

It is a common problem if we take care of the soil in...

Weekends only, problems may occur that we do not discover

right on time . If you want to take care of your garden

To maintain it, you must allocate a good portion of your time

To take care of it, or inspect it at least once every

Two days and look at the condition of each plant and make sure of irrigation

Automatic and you should also not expose delicate plants

To the sunlight for a long time and if you do not have the time

Enough time to take care of your garden with this amount of time

By building a small garden in pots, this way you will have...

A private garden on the balcony and you will be able to look at it once

At least one daily.

Important tools for taking care of your garden.

Did you know that the secret of farmers' success is that they have the best tools for every task they undertake?

To properly maintain your garden, you only need...

Some basic tools and their characteristics are lightness

Resistance, high quality and ease of use

And its maintenance as well. Click here and tell us about the orchard project

Your garden and our experts will advise you on the best tools you can get so you don't miss anything without spending a fortune.

If you want to read articles similar to this article, learn about the 7 most important tricks to maintain your garden.

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