Learn about the most famous electrical tools most commonly used in hom — جعفر شوب
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Learn about the most famous electrical tools most commonly used in home installations

Electrical materials are materials that are used to produce , distribute , transform and use electrical energy , such as : transformers , machines , devices , tools and protection devices .

There are many types of electrical connectors or cables, breakers , switches , outlets , lights , and nozzles .

Electrical materials can be classified into three basic types according to their electrical behavior : insulators , semiconductors, and conductors . This will determine how they behave in the presence of a magnetic or electric field .

Electrical connectors

They are objects capable of conducting and transmitting electricity . is manufactured These devices first connect through the conductor, which consists of copper . This can be a wire, i.e. a single strand , or a cable made up of twisted wires . The most common materials used in the manufacture of electrical conductors are copper and aluminium .

Although both metals are good conductors of electricity, copper is the main element in manufacturing because it has great mechanical and electrical advantages . The use of one material or the other depends on its electrical properties ( ability to transmit electricity), mechanical properties ( corrosion resistance , adaptability), and the specific use to be served .

Electrical insulators

They are materials that do not conduct electricity at all , so they can be used as insulators . Some examples of these insulators are: glass , ceramic , plastic, rubber , mica , wax , paper , dry wood , porcelain, specific types of fats for industrial and electronic use, and Bakelite . Although no materials are 100 % insulating or conducting , they are widely used to avoid short circuits .

Electrical conductors are always lined with this type of material to keep parts of electrical systems away from the user which, if touched directly while alive , can cause a discharge and can cause a major problem .

Some materials are insulators under certain conditions. For example: air is an insulator at room temperature, but in conditions of relatively low energy it can become a conductor.


They are elements that are less conductive of electricity than a metal conductor , but higher than that of a good insulator . Therefore, it behaves as a conductor or as an insulator, and this depends on several different factors , for example: the electric or magnetic field, pressure, radiation that falls on it , or the temperature of the environment in which it exists .

The most widely used semiconductor is silicon , which is the most abundant element in nature after oxygen . The other materials are germanium and selenium .

The most commonly used electrical materials

The most commonly used electrical materials are :

Electrical cables

It is responsible for conducting electrical current and is usually made of copper or aluminum, as copper offers better quality in terms of mechanical and electrical advantages . Depending on the electrical and mechanical requirements of the particular installation , the type of cable to be used will be chosen . Therefore, this material, which is the basis of any installation, comes in different presentations that provide greater or less energy conversion capacity . Corrosion resistance and flexibility .

Electric sharpener

This electrical part is responsible for creating a secure connection with the ( male ) plug to complete its function; It is also called female and is applied externally or in combination . This type of piece or material can be easily combined with the decoration of the place where it is installed , since many of its offers have an aesthetic design ; It consists of at least two metal pieces that complete the connection to the plug and allow the current to circulate .


This device is responsible for interrupting the flow of current, and its basic width consists of two stainless metal contacts and the leading side . These contacts move apart ( no current passes ) and the lead or switch, when pressed towards one of its positions, connects the contacts by pressing so that the current circulates . There are designs that suit the decoration of the place, in addition to applications that can be dimmed to adjust the intensity of the light, and there are also technological applications to control it remotely .

the electric lightbulb

It is a production device responsible for producing light by heating metal threads until they turn white through the passage of current . There are also energy- saving lamps and LEDs , which is the technology that brings the most benefits when it comes to quality and durability .


It is the metal part designated to receive the lamp socket and ensure that the lamp is connected to the electrical circuit . This material is made of ceramic , plastic , or other non- conductive material and is the mounting base for the lamp .


It is an essential device for any installation carried out with cables or connectors because if there are electrical surges that can damage or cause injury , the breaker is the one that interrupts the flow of power while solving the problem, in addition to being the one that also activates its passage . Without this device, the daily use of electricity would be very dangerous because we would not have how to control the general passage of electrical current reaching our home or business .

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