Carker fiber 30 meters from Total
Name in Arabic: Karkar Fiber 30 meters long from Total.
English name Total TMTF13306 Fiberglass measuring tape 30M:
Country of origin: China
Brand: TOTAL
Product description and benefits :
The measuring tape has a sturdy and lightweight design made of reinforced fiberglass, making it durable and can be used for a long time.
The tape comes in a 30m length and 13mm width, making it suitable for use in a variety of applications and projects.
It has dual scale (metric and imperial) making it ideal for use in a variety of projects and applications.
It has a strong grip for ease of use and ensuring accurate measurements.
Includes folded edge and grooves to control length and provide user comfort.
It can be easily kept in your tool bag thanks to its compact and small size
Technical Specifications :
height 30 metres
Width 13 mm
Measurement type Metric and imperial
Materials used Fiberglass reinforced
the color yellow and black
the weight 0.77 kg
Model number: TMTF13306