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اشهر-المصابيح-التي-ت-ستخدم-في-المنزل جعفر شوب

The most popular lamps used in the home

The most popular lamps used in the home

Types of lamps

There are various types of lamps on the market with their different types of light bulb sockets, each based on the type of lamp and the technology they use, so they can offer us certain characteristics. In this article, we will present to you the most important things that we usually use in our homes.


They are semiconductor devices that use electrical energy directly in light. They are highly effective for a period of more than 40,000 hours, and emit less heat than others. This type of lamp is increasingly replacing incandescent halogen, ... thanks to its longer life, greater energy efficiency, and less thermal radiation.

Low consumption lamps

It is a type of compact fluorescent lamp, perfectly integrated with incandescent lamps, so its installation is very simple in any lighting equipment.

Fluorescent lamp

It is a type of lamp consisting of a straight or circular glass tube, with gas inside, and this gas is excited by two electrodes. At the moment of starting and they require a high electrical discharge, therefore, auxiliary equipment is needed such as: ballasts or ballasts, starters, or direct electronic ballasts integrated into the same lighting equipment.

Fluorescent lamps provide high brightness, with a very optimal consumption level, 80% less than incandescent lamps, and have recently been replaced by technology. LED , especially in large installations

 Halogen lamp

Its operation is very similar to incandescent lamps, it is made up of a filament through which the electric current passes, but in this case it is with halogen gas which makes the wool frame not evaporate easily and thus have a longer duration.

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